Back north-Gorda

The next night we ended up staying in Gorda- a little tiny speck of a town just south of Big Sur. We didn't really want to stay there- but we were driving up 101 along the coast figuring we'd find a camp site along the way. We really wanted a site that had showers and laundry! Instead we found a lack of gas stations. When we ended up needingone- we found one in Gorda. But the pumps were off at night- and ther was a sign saying next gas 40 miles. Unsure that we'd make it 40 miles, and not wanting to run out of gas where there was no shoulder- we decided we'd stay attheir little hotel. But- their night bell brought no one (turns out its broken)- so we stayed in the hearse. Its so comfy! If only it had a shower....

We woke up and it was BEAUTIFUL. The place is just a resturant, two gas pumps, a general store, some cottages and hotel rooms. It really just exists for people driving through, or the tour busses that come to bring people to go whale watching. We woke up early- around 7- to find out that the gas pumps don't open until 9. So we ate some hashbrowns and drank coffee....and Surly- lucky lucky dog- got a whole strip of bacon from the waitress!

Across the street in the woods there was in interesting mix of homeless living there. Susposedly, according to one, another guy had lived there so long he won squatters rights and now owned the land, so let these people live there. Who knows how true any of it is....but their place had amazing views of the ocean - right on a clif, with sea lions on the beach below. We're excited to come back through to here while biking...they suposedly get pretty busy in the summer and they waitress said that they'll give you room (at one of the little cottages), board and a small check if you help cook/clean/with mainteinence. Shhh- don't let anyone know though- we don't want all the spots filled by the time we get back there!

We drove on through Big Sur- which is downright amazing. Everyone should go at some point... it looks a lot like Alaska- but of course doesn't get nearly as cold, which is always nice. Words can't really describe it...but after being in Southern CA thats almost desert- to then get into Big Sur- with its big trees, clifs, and just all around amazing views--well its just awesome. Can't wait to bike through, stop at a camp site, and spend some time hikinng around.

We drove through and stopped at a camp site just south of Monterey- in Marina. It was a little pricey- but had everythingwe desperatly needed- showers, laundry and internet. And the bonus- a club room with tv, a kitchen, comfy couches, AND the dog was allowed in! Everyohter camp site has been very strict that no dogs are allowed in any buildings.

They had sheep, llamas and of course goats, mmaaaaaaa
Surly really wanted to nip their ankles






Ooooohh, Ahhhh









too bad Surly cant take pictures of us

view from up o the hill/mtn we walked up

Grass as tall as me! What was terrible about Gorda- TICKS. There must be millions. I picked a few off me- cook pickedoff a few, and there were a few on Surly. Luckily most of them were still crawling around, and they hurt when they bit so you at least knew.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Great pics! Say, "Hiiiii------ to the Goaaattss!" Maaaa----