FL Day 3

36 mi
Well another late start. My fault. We locked the bikes up, and I managed to loose the key. We spend hours looking for it...but luckily it was in the one spot we forgot to look, in one of the sleeping bag compression sacks. urgh.

We rote to Mims, and stayed at the North Gate Travel Park- another place that allows tents, but doesn't ever seem to have people without RVs. We got a site right next to the bathroom, which was pretty nice actually. Lots of old people, coming over and asking us things about riding, the dog, etc... one guy who couldn't leave us alone- but luckily never let his little Yorkie get too close to Surly, esp while we were reading in our tent and he came over to talk yet again. Later in the night, we were reading and talking some, we heard him say "Will you shut up?!".... "and pee already?" - he was talking to the dog- but we swore he was yelling at us! but really just trying to get his little dog to stop yapping -- hard not to crack up laughing.

We got a long, thin leash at the general store just outside the RV park.. itw as only 3 bucks, lightweight and would give Surly more room when we tied her up at campsites to roam around. The woman who worked there asked "Is that for that big dog out there?!" Cook said, no-- that one right there...pointing to Surly. "Yeah thats the one I mean, that dog is too big for that little leash!" Funny what people think is a 'big' dog. Surly is only 40 lbs, just barely comes up to my knee. I don't concider her big at all-- but I guess compared to Yorkies she is a giant. Oh - the OJ here was AMAZING. Made just 30 miles away- tasted SO fresh. And it began our obsession with OJ on this trip!

Riding today sucked. We were on US1 almost all day. They repaved the road, but only repaved half of the shoulder- so it was super bumpy, basically just rocks. It made everything sore- not so much from riding, but just from dealing with the crappy road.

Woke up to big Pilleated Woodpeckers!

Lunch along US1


Coldest day- got all the way down to 45 at night! (pretty warm for late Dec- can't complain!)


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