FL Day 4

44 mi
This morning we learned the importance of staking out the rainfly all the way. We woke up with the tent wet if we touched it.... the condensation along the rainfly would get inside if we touched it. urgh. We had to wait for it all to dry out in the sun before packing up so the tent wouldn't get midew-y (which isn't covered by the warranty!)

We had a little bit more of US1 to ride on...but after a few miles, cross the road and turned onto a smaller neighborhood type road.It was a BEAUTIFUL place to ride- smooth and scenic... lots of views of the ocean, vegetation, etc..

We stayedat the Wickam county Park. Cook went to get us beer for New Years Eve! We coudln't finish the 6 pack before falling asleep :) we were woken up a few times but the expected firewooks.

Not long after midnight, I woke up to the sounds of someone rifling through out stuff.... we had our bags next to the tent- but the picnic table about 20 ft away had our food/bikes/trailers.... I woke Cook up, and when we looked out, shined the light there was no one there. Odd... a second later a raccoon popped his head up from the trailer over the bag of doof food- CAUGHT YA! I'd be more upset at the raccoon- but he was so darn cute! An very bold- he kept coming back even though we were throwing shoes at him...trying our best to shoo him off. We could hear raccoons bickering and fighting in the woods- I assume over the stolen goods. Cook moved all our food to the showers so we wouldn't loose it all! We didn't have any rope to hang it from a tree unfortunatly. In the morning, we found 1 bagel gone- and Surly's bag of food chewed open and some raccoon fingernail holes.. Lucky guy must've thought he hit the lottery! Wonder how he faired though, since it is dehydrated food- he ate it without water, it probably swelled up in his stomach.



Peacock at the campsite


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