April 10th-14th

Just a quick summary- we hung out in San Francisco for a few days and got a lot done actually!

Most fun was celebrating my birthday---which included staying in a nice hotel and having a delicious dinner (ok, well we ate out a few times and it was all VERY yummy) and yes, cake on my birthday. Did you know you can get vegan German Chocolate Cake??? Wow it was good....

While walking around doing errands...we actually ran into someone we knew! It was Mary Harvey- who used to live across the street from The Bike Rack where I worked in DC. She rode so came in for bike stuff- but also because of Surly, who she calls a "dog slut" for loving attention from anyone. haha- Surly justloves attention and makes everyone feel special :)

She actually didn't recognize us at first- just said "Oh a cattle dog!" so funny. She is working like crazy for Womens Pro Soccer- a brand new, and only, women's pro league! Check 'em out- go to a game- certianly a league worth supporting! http://www.womensprosoccer.com/ She was nice enough to offer us a place to stay too! It couldn't have worked out better- we're thrilled. We got to be shown around the city some, and spend an extra day to finalize our lease. Thank you Mary! And we'll see ya soon when we're back in SF.

We didn't expect to fnd a place to rent- but figured it couldn't hurt to look incase we found something perfect....we looked at a few places, but two were actually pretty darn near perfect! So, we were left to decide between the two... quickly...since we had to leave the next day (already a day later than planned :)

Place 1- I found out about it during an intreview at a bike shop..the owner's friend's dad rented it for decades and had recently passed, so they were looking for someone to live there while it got fixed up- also the landlord was suposedly very old so wouldn't be able to handle the repairs.... This place was huge, 2 bdrm with a basement, yard and garage. But- its about 2 miles from th Mission, and up a hill. Its in an area called Bernal Heights, which has a more small town feel, with lots of families (including many lesbian couples w/ children- so not too suburban) . Therei s a nice streetwih coffee shops, bars, oh and an ice cream shop that has has tons of vegan options including vanilla malt.... but anyway- its huge and needs lots of work and is far away.

Place 2- right in downtown Mission district (where we wanted to live)- only 2 month lease (perfect so we can then figure out if we like the area), top floor apartment, 1 bdrm, decent size bathroom, big kitchen- but old w/ all the old fixtures. It gets lots of light though and has roof access :)

We ended up going with place #2 - mainly because we didn't hear back from the family that was going to be helping manage the house in Benral Heighs in time---well actually we hven't heard back at all...but we needed to be sure thatwe could sub lease in case we decided we really wanted to live elsewhere... its good though for us to start in Mission- if were too far away it would be too easy for us to stay at home and no go out and see the city :)

Place #2 is still near 'Bernal Hill' - a 30 some acre park on a huge hil- where dogs can run off leash :) Yup, SF is far more dog friendly than DC!

Surly checking out the awesome view from Mary's apartment

San Francisco has a great skyline-- we had no idea of the views. From here, you can see the city and mtns behind- and the clouds coming in off the ocean over the city.... during sunset/sunrise all the buildings turn orange and pink


Birthday pictures!
In the box ma sent us w/ our regular food - I got some bonuses. Bday cards, delicous pecans from Gma and an 'instant birthday kit' from ma with candles, noise makers, confettii, etc.



1 comment:

Tammi said...

Very Cool Heather and Cook. Glad that you found a place. YAY!! What street is your new place on??? Google maps has this cool feature where you can view a neighborhood on the street level. It would be neat to "take a walk" down the street you'll be living. :) Text me if you get a minute. Love you!!