April 5th

To Mendocino 33 mi, 3:20

Continuing on Hwy 1 wasn't so fun- beautiful- but not fun. It was fairly hilly, and scary because there wasn't much of a shoulder, or none. Lots of 180 degree turns- we'd turn left, go down a steep hill, cross a stream, switch back, then climb right back up... all that so they didn't have to build a bridge. There were some beautiful houses with huge, grassy yards- overlooking the blue water! What an awesome place to live, and some look somewhat abandoned.... The water makes it look more like St Johns at times than California.

We did some grocery shopping in Ft Bragg- we got there after lunch so were starving. We stuffed ourselves then rode in the last 10 or so miles to Mendocino. We met someone off warmshowers to stay with- Doris. She has a great house with a beautiful yard- tons of trees, flowers, grass... that just so happened to be straight up yet another big hill :) Yet another person we can't thank enough for opening up their home to us!!

After a much needed shower- we walked into town as we hear we had to check it out. It was a clear night so we were able to watch the sunset again. We also found a bar that let us come in with the dog and had local beers on tap. On the inside- it looked just like any other little Baltimore bar. But the view! You could watch waves crash on rocks in a little cove across the street from your bar stool. Certainly not a place to miss.

On the way back, we picked up some garlic fries for the walk. We had seen them advertised and were excited. Two things we love--- together. They certainly didn't disappoint- they were just Fries with garlic- yum. We were nearly back when........Surly, that damn dog, stuck her head into a bush and scared out what I thought was a cat. But I was wrong - luckily Cook realized quickly and yelled "SKUNK!" Great! It was scared, with reason, and was acting defensively and starting to spray. We both ran, but the dog was still pulling towards the skunk- that combined with the dark- I didn't happen to see the ditch on the edge of a drive way I went to run up, so fell straight on my butt. That ended up being a nice big bruise and a very sore muscle. The muscle that also happens to be one of the main ones I use to climb while riding.

We got back, and for fear that we had some stink on us- decided to forgo the nice guest room- and set up camp in the garage :) Wasn't so bad though! We did have a little bit of spray on us, but luckily!!! were not fully sprayed so by morning it had dissipated. It was a really close call, that could have gone horribly- but luckily worked out well. In the morning we had our usual cereal, but also got to add some delicious blue berries, thanks Doris!

Eating breakfast by our campsite




Bar view


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