March 30th

To Eureka

Since there weren't any campground around Eureka that were further south than we were- we decided to stay in a hotel so we could spend the day hanging out in town. We ended up sharing a room with the cyclists we met at the KOA- Julia and Regis.

Eureka was really disappointing. I wish we had spent more time in Eureka! Most everyone there is either an addict or in recovery (so told to us by a youngish woman outside of a coffee shop with long dreads and no shoes) The coffee was good, and it was a really nice day, I was actually warm enough to just wear short sleeves- woohoo! There wasn't much there, a lot of industrial areas and a very small 'oldtown/downtown' area which was nice. I guess it was mostly disappointing for us because from what we had heard, we thought Eureka could be a place we might want to live- but there is no way I'd want to live there! Arcata was much more appealing...

In any way, off days are great and easy :)

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