April 14th

San Francisco to Pacifica
22 miles- 2hr, 20 min?

Time to keep biking on.... with a lease set its hard to leave. But if we stay- then we have to go to work, and that just isn't fun :)

It was kind of windy in the city but nothing too bad.

We got laughed at in the panhandle park of Golden Gate park for having our saftey gear- yup its dorky but its worth it- we have helmets of course- but also yellow vests and orange flags behind the trailers.

Whooa hoo- but when we got to the ocean the wind was insane!
Along the Great Highway- that runs along the west side of SF on the ocean there are sand dunes, the winds were blowing these dunes into the streets. Sand was blowing over our heads and in the gusts absolutely sand blasting us...

I won't go on and on complaining about the wind- but I will saw a few things abut it.
-it was blowing the sand so much, we had a pile of sand in the dog crate, in our shoes, in our ears- everywhere.
-going through neighborhoods the wind would be funneled between the rows of houses and hit us as a stronger cross wind- not fun
- there were multiple times that the wind blew so hard we had to stop riding, it was litterly blowing us over! and times that it made my front wheel skip up and over.

these things made it clear- we weren't going to go past Pacificia where we had to traverse a winding shoulderless climb/decent to get back to the beach. We asked an RV park along the way if we could pitch a tent. It was one of those RV parks that tries to be really nice and say no tents- butreally, its an RV park... it isn't going to be luxurious or exclusive no matter what. I asked very nicely and mentioned the 50 mph winds- but they still said no! I coldn't believe it...

so we went on a few miles to a hotel in Pacifica. When I check the weather there were Gale force wind warnings and gusts in the 50s... so yup a good time to stop!

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