Because of my unfortunate run in with the skunk- my butt was sore. Very sore! So it was a slow going day. The roads were terrible, but the weather was amazing. Near 70, so we were able to wear just a jersey and shorts.
Nearly every driver that passed us had no courtesy and were in way too much of a hurry. About half way through the day we got fed up. We weren't able to look at any of the scenery. We weren't enjoying riding. It was stressful and annoying. We stopped to eat some cookies and talk about it- we were very close to riding to the next town, renting a car and driving back to Sacramento where the hearse is stored- calling it quits pretty much. What a thing to be done in by- not the climbs, the weather or anything physical- just the bad drivers. It seemed though, that after a bit the traffic was dying down- so maybe it was just a post lunch rush??We continued on just to our campsite we decided- to decide later what we'd do.
A few miles later- we found out what all the traffic was. All the people in a hurry, doing their make up and brushing their hair---- get this---- were on their way to a funeral! There was nearly 2 miles of cars parked on the side of the road- all ones we recognized. I can't believe that people would be in such a rush to get to a funeral they didn't care if they put someone at risk along the way. So ironic.
Traffic thinned a lot after that- but still no shoulder and still bad drivers.
We alsohad to conquer the steepest hill in CA-a very long set of switch backs climbing up from a stream crossing. Every turn had grooves in the pavement from where cars scraped going around the turns. Unfortunately I couldn't climb the whole thing from my bruised muscle- I just couldn't get out of the saddle to climb so had to walk part of it. But Cook made it up!
We did finally make it to camp-a triumph. There was another cyclists there who was riding north from SF to Arcata. She also before road from Alaska to Arcata....sounds like an amazing ride. But honestly- I might be too scared of the bears to do that trip :)
If the scenery wasn't so beautiful I don't know if we'd continue on....but if we stop having fun we'll stop riding, its that simple! This isn't like climbing everest- we don't have to finish to 'win' - its just about having a good time along theway, right?!
A rare sight - a shoulder!
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