April 20th

To Plaskett Creek Campground- 36 mi, 3ish hours

Open invitation to any family/friends- if you can come visit us, please do! It would be a great excuse for us to go drive through Big Sur!! No really, I'm serious :) Big Sur has some of the most amazing scenery in the country. The water varies between a deep blue to a bright/light blue in the shallows. The cliffs are steep, with lots of rocky out croppings. The slopes are filled with millions of wild flowers and song birds. When we left our campsite early this morning, there was very little traffic and we could actually hear the birds singing all the way to Ragged Point. All this AND in the
few miles of scattered businesses that make up the 'town of Big Sur' there are mature red woods. Whats not to love? Oh right- having to go up on a bike with a dog (or stuff) in tow :)

Leaving our camp ground it was definitely very hot- much more so than we are used to at least. We climbed for the first 2-3 miles untill the post office. Yay! The box got there in time! After that it was just about another half mile of up before a long descent. But whew, that first climb really got us sweating and tired...

We were passed by a nice group of cyclists- who we actually kept running into as they took brakes,then we caught up. They chatted as they passed, and we joked about switching bikes for just a little bit. We also ran into Mr Heat Exhaustion again... (who didn't recognize either of us in the morning at the campground, even though we smiled/waved) We ended up at the same campsite as him. did not thrill us, likes to talk a bit too much for us...

After the decent, there was still a lot more hills to get through. They were big. Ok well not THAT big, like Leggetts - but they were enough plus the heat and sun so that we were pooped by days end.

After setting up camp we walked across the street and took a path to the beach. Typical west coast/Big Sur beach, we had to traverse through some brambles and thick bushes, then down a steep slope before getting to the rocky beach. But of course the rocky beach was covered in dried up seaweed teeming with flies. Whew after that though! It was incredibly refreshing, cool, clear water. Surly was thrilled too! Our spot was in a little cove so she couldn't run to anywhere. Her only issue was there were no sticks for us to throw that she could chase- or big waves to chase... Ahhh so nice!

Another cyclist came and shared the hiker/biker site- she was heading north though. Last year she rode South from San Diego, and had great stories about riding through Central America. Its always been something I thought was way too dangerous- but once you get past the border towns she says its just normal people (and you can camp anywhere).


Group photo! Thanks to a rock and a timer function on the camera

And finally, sunset from our campground


Tammi said...

WOW!!! Some of those shots DO look like St. John. I bet that water is COLD, though!!

Brenda S Miller said...

Love the group shot, especially!