March 15th

Seaside to Cannon Beach

Winds today were in the mid 40s, with gusts to 50mph. Less than ideal biking weather, and pretty bad when hauling a big trailer that acts as a para sail... Cannon Beach was just the next town over, up one decent climb, where we found an 'efficiency' room to stay in-part of a building of just 4 rooms owned by a bigger group. It was cool that all we had to do to check in was call and they gave us the code to get into the key box. Turned out to be a super nice place- all of Cannon Beach is supposed to be all fancy and richy-rich, I'm surprised we found something so cheap. (a lot of hybrid SUVs around here which is always funny to me, they don't get any better millage than a regular car!)

We did today make a very important purchase:

Waterproof jackets.

The jackets we had we got at REI, where they said they were waterproof...but I looked them up online and well, they aren't. After less than an hour they start to leak, especially around the arms. Nothing like getting your dry clothes wet on a cold hopefully worth the cost. Jackets definitely weren't inthe budget. They are made out of Portland by folks that ride their bikes a lot, so designed for wet weather on the bike. I'm sure tomorrow we'll find out just how good they are.

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