March 18th Camp Lookout to Lincoln City

Today was the hardest day yet.

I (Cook) woke up with the head cold again...but woke to sunshine. I can't remember the last time I woke to sunshine. It was great! We laid things out to dry while we ate breakfast. Things started out nice.

As soon as we left the campsite we started our climb. This was no normal climb. This was a little hellish, going up to about 850 ft. It wouldn't be so bad on a road bike, but fully loaded touring-it hurts. Heather was very tempted- but did the whole thing with the dog in the trailer, it was a small road through the forest, but still not much of a shoulder because of all the gravel. We passed another touring cyclist on the hill. He was the only other cyclist we've seen since we started this. It's weird but now I feel like we have to stay ahead of him- haha. Coming down the climb we entered into some of the Oregon dunes- its weird to come out of a thick forest into what seems like a desert.

That hill took a lot out of me and my legs were feeling it all day.

Worst part, though- we left the camera battery charger at the campsite (we had eaten at a gazebo picnic area that had power)...and the batteries were almost gone. Since we couldn't find anywhere that sold the same charger- we ended up having to buy a new camera in the next town. We got thesame camera, just an updated version, so we can still use the same memory card and all...the other one wasn't working so great anyway, and we'll put it up on ebay or something when were done riding.

After some rolling hills, we turned off of 101 to take Old Scenic 101 that went by some houses, but mostly in a national park. It was beautiful, with lots of green, big trees, some flowers and a stream-ut the road surface was horrible. They didn't seem to ever fix anything, just put up signs like 'caution rough road'. This had us slowly climb to 650 ft, with some steep switch backs toward the end.

We stopped at a pizza place in town and stuffed ourselves- but still had some for lunch the next day. After dinner- we started getting really cold, Cook was feeling sick, and Heather's stomach hurting-so we chicked out of a cold night of camping and found a decent priced hotel a few blocks away to stay in.

Look!!! Sunshine! No rain jackets!


More cool rocks in the water- these are all volcanic and left over from eroded away mountains

Windey roads



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