March 28th

To Clam Beach County park, 3:20, 34 miles

Today was much easier- mostly rolling hills with some small climbs. It was pretty misty and cloudy in the morning, but by about 11am the sun came out and the mist cleared away. We stopped off in the the tiny town of Orick to get some supplies. I had lost our floss/needle (floss is also great for sewing- super strong!) since my favorite gloves were getting yet another hole in the finger tips... oh and oranges and cookies, yum sugar. Across the street the diner advertised 'breakfast all day!' so we grabbed some hashbrowns. They were delicious- and the diner looked like its been there forever.

After a bit we turned off onto the Trinidad Scenic Route-which was beautiful but had some seriously rough roads-lots of signs advising no RVs or cars with trailers, some sections of one lane road and some sections of dirt/gravel. Would've been really nice with out the gear (hey, like lots of other stretches of road)...but I guess wasn't all that bad overall. California is much more different than Or, by looks and the roads. 101 turns into a freeway at parts, and there really aren't the same accomodations for cyclists.

Our campsite was really small-but quite nice. We were going to stay at an RV park a bit down the road, because our map said that this place didn't have any water. When we biked by we already saw a few people camping there, so we rode in and saw a sign for "water" - since it was right near the ocean it was a definite for us. It was also only 5 bucks perperson for bikers.

It was an interesting mix of campers- there was another guy who had came in by bike and was playing the same guitar riff all night, a guy with his young son/his friend who were constantly having to be yelled at, and a group that came in on a yellow school bus that had flames painted on it- luckily we were further away from them since they were up pretty late. It started to drizzle/kind of shower just before bedtime so we dove into the tent to stay dry...

Elk- we've seen signs for them for hundreds of miles-finally we get to see some!


Surly jumping up/over my leg for a game of fetch


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