March 5th

20 mi
Bremerton to Shelton

There was a bit of trouble getting back on route...taking up some time. Then, trying to leave Bremerton it seems there was a wall? We were sent up 1st street- which is probably a 15% grade? Something steep enough that Cook was having trouble keeping his front wheel on the ground. Can't wait till the weather will be just a bit warmer so we can get rid of some of the extra cold weather gear...anything to lighten the load. Since I have the dog, plus some gear- Cook carries both of our stuff. So we seem to have about twice as much as most people would carry- simply because of the 40 lb fur ball in my trailer.

The next set of directions had us heading up another huge hill-- half wayup a van stopped and asked "Do you have to go this way?" Apparently- the road kept going up and down like this. He told us itw as legal to ride on the freeway, so we went back down and got on 3, which by all means is a very small highway. There was a nice big shoulder- except for where the was construction where they had been installing pipes. No one was there working- but the cones were all still there. That took us rightback to where we needed to be, past the hills!

We had some folks we had contacted off Warm to stay with in Shelton- but we got a late start riding today--and the weather started to get not so nice, so we decided to start to look for places to stay around Belfair. The hotel was way too pricey- esp for what it was. But-t heys aid we should check next door with the church. Turns out the church has a spot int he woods that was just cleared out by prisoners- with picnic tables, a fire pit, and paths between all the spots. A really nice, private, free campsite!

As we were starting to get un packed- someone came up to our site. Turns out they are on Warm Showers-butwe some how missed them? The woman at the church had called and let them know there were cyclists we of course took up the offer to sleep at their place! They made us dinner of potatoes and broccoli- which we supplemented with campfood we have. Yum... In the morning we got a ride back to the church- abut 3 miles- where we had left the bikes/trailers. Thanks again -David, Michelle and Brian (hope I got your name right!)- for the warm place to stay, and everything else! Oh and your pup, Luke, is a great dog, espcially for putting up with Surly.

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