Yay! Dry day today!

Leaving the motel, Cook forgot to hook on both pins of the Bob Trailer that attach it to the bike- so he ended up bending one of the drop outs slightly. This meant that when we got to the bike shop we were going to anyway less than 2 miles away we had to borrow a plastic mallet and big screwdriver to straighten everything out. Oh, and of course he got a flat just as we got to the bike shop.....

We crossed into California about 6 miles later- and most of the day was just easy, sunny miles. No major climbing and a nice trail wind.... I've heard that they put the OR/CA border where they did for a reason- and its true. There are suddenly palm trees, rolling farms, and the cliffs are much more subdued than they were in OR. Its still beautiful because its sunny and its the ocean, but it isn't quite the same. Hopefully though it means a bit less climbing. We dropped by the post office to pick up another box of food- then headed off to our campsite about a mile away. Across the street there was a Thai restaurant so we got some to go. It wasn't that good really, but helped a bit to satisfy our cravings for Pad Thai. The firewood at the campsite was free, which was really a nice addition...

Oh! and after we crossed into CA, there was a bridge with a sidewalk not big enough to ride on and no shoulder. So, much like the tunnels in OR, there was a sign saying "Caution Bikes" before the bridge, with a lowered speed limit. But, instead of pushing a button for it to flash, this one was set off just by out weight. We rode over and area on the shoulder and it started flashing for us- cool!

Feels good to finally be in CA-Just one more state to go! Even if this state is longer than we've gone so far....



Goodbye Oregon


Ymm Pnut butter


Being cute

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